Two years back I contributed a series of podcasts to Astronomy 365 Days of Astronomy in conjunctions with Galileo’s discovery of Jupiter’s moon in 1610 and and World Astronomy Day. Here are the podcasts:
December 1st: Familiarity Breeds Apathy” ” November 30th: Observing With Webb in December 2011 | December 2nd: Naming Stars ” ” Posted by kortney.hogan on Dec 1, 2011 in Podcast | 1 comment Podcast: Download Date: December 1, 2011 Title: Familiarity Breeds Apathy Podcaster: Manoharan Karthigasu Link: Description: Is science in general losing its lustre among students?
July 8th: Encore: Discussing the Issues of Knowledge Through Astronomy” ” July 7th: Encore: Symmetries in the Universe | July 9th: Encore: An Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei ” ” Posted by kortney.hogan on Jul 8, 2012 in Podcast | 1 comment Podcast: Download Date: July 8th, 2012 Title: Encore: Discussing the Issues of Knowledge Through Astronomy Podcaster: Manoharan Karthigasu This podcast originally aired on August 1st, 2010 Description: The podcast deals with questions about “knowledge” itself and our position as knowers.
August 1st: Dare To Do Difficult Things” ” July 31st: Astronomy Word of the Week : Zodiac | August 2nd: Curiosity – the Mars Science Laboratory ” ” Posted by StarStryder on Aug 1, 2012 in Podcast | 1 comment Podcast: Download Date: August 1st, 2012 Title: Dare To Do Difficult Things Podcaster: Manoharan Karthigasu Link: Description: Recent reports from Universities about the students opting for easier courses that takes less time and provides less challenge is deeply concerning.